Browse Images - E

- Title
- Early photo of Honiara airport, c1950s on the site of Fighter II strip
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1956
- Source
- Alan Lindley

- Title
- Either Rev Goldie or Rev Nicholson on Choiseul crossing a river, 1920s, Rev. R.A. Nicholson Collection
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Either Rev Goldie or Rev Nicholson on Choiseul, 1920s, Rev. R.A. Nicholson Collection
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Embarking at Nondu, showing Graciosa Bay, Te Motu Island (Santa Cruz Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Entrance Atta Cove-Abandoned Labour Schooner on the Reef, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Entrance to Fiu River, NW Malaita (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Entrance Utuha, Passage at Siota, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- The Entrance, Paraso Bay, Vella Lavella Island (New Georgia Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- The Entrance, Paraso Bay, Vella Lavella Island (New Georgia Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Entrance, Wango River, San Cristoval (Makira) (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia