Browse Images - M

- Title
- Maekali was a policeman and then Headman at Malu'u. He was the main informant for anthropologist Ian Hogbin in 1933.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1933
- Source
- Ian Hogbin

- Title
- The Main Road at St Barnabas (Norfolk Island)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Malangono, Choiseul group photo, Rev. R.C. Nicholson Collection
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection
- Title
- A Man of Florida, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A Man of Pileni Island-Vigt. Full Face (Reef Islands, Swallow Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A Man of Pileni Island-Vigt. Profile (Reef Islands, Swallow Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A Man of Qarea (3/4 fig.), NW Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Man of Ulawa (3/4 figure with bow and arrows), Ulawa Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- A Man of Uru (3/4 fig.), Kwaio district, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A Man of Uru (3/4 fig.), Kwaio district, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Man with distended earlobes, Roviana Lagoon, New Georgia Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1880s
- Source
- Woodford 1890

- Title
- Man with Snider beside skull repository at Marau Sound, Guadalcanal
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1910s
- Source
- Raucaz 1928

- Title
- Mangrove Swamp at Regi, Isabel Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A Mangrove Swamp, Pachu River, Choiseul Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A mangrove Swamp, Pachu River, Choiseul Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Mangroves on Vella Lavella, Rev. R.C. Nicholson, 1920s
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Mariano Kelesi, Minister for Works and Public Utilities in 1978 inspecting the new bridge in central Malaita Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1978
- Source
- Clive Moore

- Title
- Masuraa Luke, Ben Taraura, and Martin Maran
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Mataniko River and the outskirts of Chinatown from Skyline Road, Honiara
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1950s
- Source
- Alan Lindley
- Title
- Matema Island from the Reef, Reef Islands
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- "Mates" -Two Bugotu Girls, Isabel Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Mbambatana Mission Station on Choiseul from the back verandah of the mission house
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Melanesian Boys' Feasting Party (Norfolk Island)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Melanesians just out from Breakfast (Norfolk Island)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Melanesians Weeding Maize (Norfolk Island)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Memorial Cross for Pioneer Missionaries of Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Men at Heuru (Group 3, with canoe behind), San Cristoval (Makira) (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Men at Santa Cruz Island (Santa Cruz Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Men of Bulalaha-Group by the River, near Maramasike Channel , Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Men of Pago Pago, Savo Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Men of the School at Suholo, Ulawa Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Men of Uru-Group of 3, Kwaio district, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Men of Vella Lavella Island (New Georgia Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Mendana Avenue and its red-flowering Poinciana trees, Honiara
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1950s
- Source
- Patrick Barrett

- Title
- Mendana Avenue, Honiara, and its red-flowering Poinciana trees, looing towards Central Police Station
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1961
- Source
- Patrick Barrett
- Title
- Men's Landing-place at Ferasiboa, Lau Lagoon, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A Metema Island Family (mother and child) (Reef Islands, Swallow Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Methodist Catechists, Vella Lavella Island, c1920
- Type
- Image
- Date
- c. 1920
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Methodist congregation and church, Rev. R.C. Nicholson, 1920s
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Methodist Congregation, Vella Lavella Island, c1920
- Type
- Image
- Date
- c. 1920
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Methodist Mission brass band, Sasamungga, New Georgia Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Military-like formation of male students at Onepusu SSEM headquarters, Malaita Island
- Type
- Image
- Source
- Deck
- Title
- The Mission Community and Staff (Norfolk Island)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Mission House at Maravovo, Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- The Mission House at Nore Fou, Lau Lagoon, Malaita, home of Rev. Arthur Hopkins
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Beattie 520

- Title
- Mission house at Sasamungga Bay, Choiseul, 1920s, Rev. R.A. Nicholson Collection
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- The Mission House at Siota, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- The Mission House, Bunana, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- The Mission House, Bunana, showing coast around Honggo, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- The Mission House, Nore Fou, Lau Lagoon, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Mission Station at Pamau, San Cristoval (Makira) (Solomon Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Mission Station, Nore Fou, from Reef, Lau Lagoon, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Missionary's House and School People, Te Motu Island (Santa Cruz Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Missionary's House at Madoa, Ulawa Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Monilaws Soga, the last of the great warrior chiefs of Isabel Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1880s
- Source

- Title
- Mother and Child, Buala , North-East Coast, Isabel Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Mother and child, Isabel Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Mother Margaret and members of the Anglican Community of the Cross
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1930s
- Source