Browse Images - T
- Title
- Taki, the Chief at Wango, San Cristoval (Makira) (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Tambokoro, and Peter-the Teacher, Florida (Nggela) islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Te Motu Island Women and Round Houses (Santa Cruz Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Teacher's house at Buala, Isabel Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- This is a typical labour-recruiting scene from Malaita early in the 20th century.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- Clive Moore

- Title
- This is the Maasina Rule flag, shown here held up by two Europeans.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1940s
- Source

- Title
- This short staff was brought to Mackay, Queensland, Australia by John Kwailiu Fatnowna from Malaita in the late 1880s.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1979
- Source

- Title
- Thousand Ships Bay, from Bugotu, Isabel Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Three children adopted by Sister Ethel McMillan, Choiseul, 1920s, Rev. R.A. Nicholson Collection
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection

- Title
- Three Generations A Family Group at Fagani, San Cristoval (Makira) (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Three Generations-Women of Ferasiboa, Lau Lagoon, Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Three Men of Roas Bay, Small Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Timothy George Mahratta (1892-1969) was born in Queensland and returned to Malaita with his parents in the 1900s. He became Headman on South Malaita and later a leader in Maasina Rule. He is shown here in old age with some members of his family.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1960s
- Source
- Clive Moore

- Title
- Track from landing-place at Madoa, Ulawa Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- The Track through St Barnabas-Returning from Work (Norfolk Island)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Trainee Brothers for the Melanesian Brotherhood, at their headquarters at Tabalia, Guadalcanal Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1950s
- Source

- Title
- Treatment at Kwaibaita leper colony near Fauabu hospital, Malaita
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1930s
- Source

- Title
- Two New Boys for Norfolk Island, at Kombe, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Two Vella Lavella women, Rev. R.C. Nicholson, 1920s
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1920s
- Source
- McDonald Collection