Browse Images - L

- Title
- The Ladies at St Barnabas' College, Norfolk Island
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- The Ladies' Mission House, Honggo, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- Lahloo was the first substantial BSIP vessel. It arrived in 1899. The photo show Lahloo at Arundel Island in 1909.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1909
- Source

- Title
- Landing Place at Saa, from the Shore, Small Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- The Landing Place, Te Motu Island (Santa Cruz Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- The Landing-place at Ahia, Ulawa Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Landing-place at Lenga, Ulawa Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Landing-place at Qarea, NW Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Title
- The Landing-place at Suholo from beach, Ulawa Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Leslie Boseto, Pacific theologian, United Church leader and parliamentarian
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1976
- Source
- BSIPNS 7 July 1967

- Title
- Lili Ogatina Poznanski was the first women to take a senior role in politics when she was elected to the Legislative Council, 1965-1967 and later became a senior public servant.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1960s
- Source
- Title
- Little Roapu Girl Carrying Child, Roas Bay, Small Malaita Island (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Lloyd Maepeza Gina, first Speaker of the National Parliament and Sir Baddeley Devesi, first Governor General, 1978
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1978
- Source

- Title
- Locality at Otivi Village, Santa Cruz Island, where the Norfolk Island Missionaries were shot (Santa Cruz Group)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- A Lonagapolo House, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Looking Out for Reefs (Captain and 2nd Officer on the Bridge), Southern Cross
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Looking towards Guadalcanal from Honggo, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Looking up the Utuha Passage to Siota, Florida (Nggela) Islands (Solomon Islands)
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1906
- Source
- Anglican Church of Melanesia

- Title
- Luke Logomier, lay preacher, and his congregation at St Mary's Anglican church, Farleigh, Mackay, Queensland, Australia. He is seated in the middle, slightly turned and wearing a coat.
- Type
- Image
- Date
- 1900s
- Source
- Clive Moore